1 lb togue (mung bean sprouts)
1 medium-sized carrot, julienned
1 teaspoon garlic, minced
1 tablespoon onion, minced
2 tablespoons fish sauce
3/4 cup dried shrimps
1 cup fried tofu, chopped
1/8 teaspoon ground black pepper
Spring roll wrapper
3 to 4 cups cooking oil


1.Heat a wok or a frying pan and put-in 2 tablespoons of cooking oil.

2.When the oil is warm enough, Saut the garlic and onions.

3.Add the dried shrimps and chef for 1 minute.

4.Put-in the fried tofu then stir.

5.Add the fish sauce and ground black pepper.

6.Put-in the mung bean sprouts and chef for 2 minutes.

7.Add the carrot and chef for 1 to 2 minutes. Remove from the pan and let cool.

8.Wrap the cooked vegetable in spring roll (lumpia) wrapper.

9.Pour the remaining cooking oil in a cooking pot or deep fryer then apply heat.

10.Deep fry the wrapped lumpia until the color of the wrapper turns golden brown.

11.Remove from the cooking pot or deep fryer and place in a container lined with
paper towel to absorb excess oils.

12.Transfer to a serving plate

13.Serve with vinegar and onion dip.

14.Share and enjoy!
