Garlic Fried Rice | A Flavorful and Classic Asian Dish

Garlic fried rice, also known as "Sinangag" in the Philippines, is a popular and flavorful Asian dish that has become a beloved staple in many households. This simple yet satisfying recipe transforms plain rice into a delicious and aromatic delight by infusing it with the rich flavor of garlic. Whether served as a breakfast side dish, a complement to grilled meats, or a quick and tasty snack, garlic fried rice is a versatile and tasty addition to any meal. Let's dive into the world of garlic fried rice and learn how to create this classic Asian dish that will leave your taste buds wanting more!


- 3 cups cooked rice (preferably day-old rice) - 6 to 8 cloves garlic, minced - 2 tablespoons cooking oil (vegetable or canola oil) - 1 tablespoon soy sauce (or to taste) - 1/2 teaspoon salt (or to taste) - 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper - Optional add-ins: chopped green onions, scrambled eggs, peas, or diced carrots for added flavor and texture


1. Prepare the Rice: - For the best results, it is recommended to use day-old rice that has been stored in the refrigerator overnight. Day-old rice is drier and separates easily, making it ideal for fried rice dishes.

2. Sauté the Garlic: - In a large pan or wok, heat the cooking oil over medium heat. - Add the minced garlic to the hot oil and sauté it until it becomes fragrant and starts to turn golden brown. Be careful not to burn the garlic, as it can quickly become bitter.

3. Add the Rice: - Once the garlic is aromatic and lightly browned, add the cooked rice to the pan. - Break up any clumps of rice with a spatula and mix it thoroughly with the garlic.

4. Season the Fried Rice: - Drizzle the soy sauce over the rice, distributing it evenly for a golden color and a subtle umami flavor. - Sprinkle the salt and ground black pepper over the rice, adjusting the amount to suit your taste preferences.

5. Optional Add-ins: - If you want to add extra flavor and texture to your garlic fried rice, consider mixing in chopped green onions, scrambled eggs, peas, or diced carrots. These ingredients can complement the dish and provide additional colors and flavors.

6. Stir-Fry and Sauté: - Continue to stir-fry the rice for a few minutes, ensuring that the garlic and seasonings are evenly distributed throughout the dish. - The rice should become slightly crispy and infused with the flavors of the garlic and soy sauce.

7. Serve and Enjoy: - Once the garlic fried rice is heated through and the flavors have melded together, remove it from the heat. - Transfer the flavorful garlic fried rice to a serving dish and garnish it with some extra chopped green onions for added freshness and appeal. - Garlic fried rice pairs perfectly with a variety of dishes, such as grilled meats, stir-fried vegetables, or as a standalone snack. Serve it hot and enjoy the delicious and aromatic flavors of this classic Asian dish!

Garlic fried rice, or "Sinangag," is a delightful and versatile Asian dish that elevates plain rice to new heights with the rich and aromatic flavors of garlic. This classic recipe is a popular choice for breakfast, lunch, or dinner in many Asian households and restaurants. Whether served as a side dish or as a main course, garlic fried rice never fails to satisfy with its irresistible combination of crispy rice and savory garlic. The simple ingredients and easy preparation make it a favorite go-to recipe for quick and tasty meals. So, why not try making this flavorful garlic fried rice and experience the joy of Asian cuisine right in your own kitchen!

Video Source: Jenelyn Lora

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