Pakbet Ilocano Recipe | A Flavorful and Nutritious Vegetable Medley

Pakbet Ilocano, also known as "Pinakbet" in Filipino cuisine, is a traditional and iconic vegetable dish that originates from the Ilocos region in the Philippines. This flavorful and nutritious medley of vegetables showcases the abundance of fresh produce that thrives in the region's fertile soil. Pakbet Ilocano is characterized by the harmonious combination of various vegetables, such as bitter melon (ampalaya), eggplant, squash, string beans (sitaw), and okra, simmered in a savory sauce made from fermented shrimp paste (bagoong). With its rich flavors and vibrant colors, Pakbet Ilocano is a beloved dish that celebrates the diverse and bountiful vegetable offerings of the Philippines. Let's explore the world of Pakbet Ilocano and learn how to create this delightful and healthy vegetable medley in your own kitchen!


- 1 small bitter melon (ampalaya), sliced and deseeded - 1 medium-sized eggplant, sliced - 1 cup squash or pumpkin, cubed - 1 cup string beans (sitaw), cut into 2-inch pieces - 1 cup okra, whole - 2 medium-sized tomatoes, sliced - 1 medium-sized onion, sliced - 4 cloves garlic, minced - 2 tablespoons cooking oil - 1/4 cup fermented shrimp paste (bagoong) - 1 1/2 cups water - Salt and ground black pepper to taste


1. Prepare the Vegetables:

- Wash and clean all the vegetables thoroughly. Slice the bitter melon (ampalaya) and remove the seeds to lessen its bitterness. - Slice the eggplant into rounds and cut the squash or pumpkin into bite-sized cubes. - Cut the string beans (sitaw) into 2-inch pieces and leave the okra whole.

2. Sauté the Aromatics:

- In a large pan or wok, heat the cooking oil over medium heat. - Sauté the minced garlic until fragrant and lightly golden. - Add the sliced onions and cook until they become translucent.

3. Add the Vegetables:

- Incorporate the sliced tomatoes into the pan and cook until they soften and release their juices. - Add the bitter melon (ampalaya), eggplant, squash, string beans (sitaw), and okra to the pan. Stir-fry the vegetables for a few minutes to slightly soften them.

4. Simmer with Water and Bagoong:

- Pour the water into the pan, covering the vegetables. Cover the pan with a lid and let the vegetables simmer over medium heat until they are tender.

- Once the vegetables are almost fully cooked, add the fermented shrimp paste (bagoong) to the pan. The bagoong adds a distinct umami flavor to the dish.

- Mix the bagoong thoroughly with the vegetables, ensuring that all the flavors are well combined.

5. Season to Taste:

- Taste the Pakbet Ilocano and add salt and ground black pepper as needed to suit your preference.

6. Serve and Enjoy:

- Once the vegetables are tender and fully cooked, remove the pan from the heat.

- Transfer the Pakbet Ilocano to a large serving dish or individual plates.

- Serve this flavorful and nutritious vegetable medley as a side dish to complement your main course or as a wholesome vegetarian meal with steamed rice.

Pakbet Ilocano is a delicious and wholesome vegetable medley that reflects the culinary traditions of the Ilocos region in the Philippines. With its vibrant assortment of vegetables simmered in a savory bagoong-based sauce, this dish embodies the freshness and abundance of the Philippines' agricultural resources. Pakbet Ilocano is not only a flavorful and nutritious delight but also a celebration of Filipino cultural heritage and culinary expertise. So, why not try making this delightful Pakbet Ilocano recipe in your own kitchen and savor the taste of traditional Filipino cooking!

Video Source: Kusinerong Arkitekto

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