Beef Caldereta Recipe: A Hearty and Flavorful Filipino Stew

Beef Caldereta is a rich and savory Filipino stew that is bursting with flavors and loved by many. This hearty dish features tender beef, simmered to perfection in a luscious tomato-based sauce, and complemented with vegetables and a touch of heat from chili peppers. Beef Caldereta is a popular dish during special occasions, fiestas, and family gatherings, as it showcases the warm and comforting taste of Filipino home-cooked meals. Let's explore the world of Beef Caldereta and learn how to create this flavorful and beloved Filipino stew in your own kitchen!


- 1 kg beef stew meat, cut into bite-sized pieces - 3 tablespoons cooking oil (vegetable or canola oil) - 1 large onion, chopped - 4 cloves garlic, minced - 2 large tomatoes, diced - 3 tablespoons tomato paste - 1/2 cup liver spread (or liver pâté) - 3 cups beef broth or water - 1 cup tomato sauce - 1 cup red bell pepper, sliced - 1 cup green bell pepper, sliced - 1 cup pitted green olives - 1 cup cubed potatoes - 1 cup cubed carrots - 1 cup frozen green peas - 2 bay leaves - 1 teaspoon paprika - 1 teaspoon chili flakes (adjust to your desired level of spiciness) - 1/2 cup grated cheese (cheddar or quickmelt) - Salt and ground black pepper to taste - Steamed rice for serving


1. Sauté the Aromatics:

- In a large pot or Dutch oven, heat the cooking oil over medium heat. - Sauté the chopped onions and minced garlic until they become fragrant and translucent.

2. Brown the Beef:

- Add the beef stew meat to the pot and cook until it is lightly browned on all sides. - Season the beef with salt and ground black pepper to taste.

3. Create the Base:

- Stir in the diced tomatoes and tomato paste, mixing them well with the browned beef.

4. Add the Liver Spread:

- Add the liver spread (or liver pâté) to the pot and stir it in with the beef and tomato mixture. - The liver spread adds depth and richness to the sauce.

5. Pour the Liquid:

- Pour the beef broth (or water) and tomato sauce into the pot, making sure the beef is fully submerged in the liquid.

6. Simmer the Stew:

- Add the bay leaves, paprika, and chili flakes to the pot, giving the stew its characteristic flavor and a hint of spiciness. - Cover the pot and let the Beef Caldereta simmer over low heat for about 1.5 to 2 hours, or until the beef becomes tender and flavorful.

7. Add the Vegetables:

- Once the beef is tender, add the cubed potatoes, carrots, and frozen green peas to the pot. - Let the vegetables cook in the stew until they become tender.

8. Incorporate the Bell Peppers and Olives:

- Add the sliced red and green bell peppers and pitted green olives to the stew. - The bell peppers and olives contribute vibrant colors and additional flavors to the dish.

9. Thicken the Sauce:

- Let the stew simmer uncovered for a few more minutes to reduce and thicken the sauce to your desired consistency.

10. Add the Cheese:

- Finally, stir in the grated cheese until it melts and blends into the sauce, creating a creamy and luscious finish to the Beef Caldereta.

11. Serve and Enjoy:

- Once the Beef Caldereta is done, remove the bay leaves from the pot. - Transfer the hearty Beef Caldereta to a serving dish and garnish it with some extra sliced bell peppers and a sprinkle of paprika for an attractive presentation. - Serve the flavorful Beef Caldereta hot with steamed rice and savor the delightful taste of this Filipino stew!

Beef Caldereta is a delightful and flavorful Filipino stew that captures the heart and soul of Filipino home cooking. With its tender beef, rich tomato-based sauce, and a medley of vegetables and spices, Beef Caldereta is a beloved dish that brings joy to gatherings and special occasions. This hearty stew reflects the warm and inviting nature of Filipino cuisine and offers a comforting and satisfying dining experience. So, why not try making this delightful Beef Caldereta and immerse yourself in the delicious and comforting flavors of Filipino cooking right in your own home!

Video Source: Panlasang Pinoy

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