Polvoron Recipe | A Classic Filipino Sweet Treat

Polvoron is a beloved Filipino sweet treat that has captured the hearts and taste buds of people across the Philippines and beyond. These crumbly, melt-in-your-mouth delights are made from a few simple ingredients, including toasted flour, powdered milk, sugar, and butter. Polvoron is often shaped into small, bite-sized pieces and wrapped in colorful cellophane to make for a delightful gift or snack. Whether enjoyed with a cup of coffee or as a delightful treat during special occasions, Polvoron is a classic Filipino confection that brings joy and nostalgia to those who savor its delectable taste. Let's explore the world of Polvoron and learn how to create this delightful Filipino sweet treat in your own kitchen!


- 2 cups all-purpose flour - 1 cup powdered milk - 1 cup granulated sugar - 1 cup unsalted butter, melted - Optional: crushed toasted nuts, pinipig (toasted pounded rice), or flavored essences (vanilla, chocolate, etc.) for variations


1. Toast the Flour:

- In a large frying pan or skillet, toast the all-purpose flour over low to medium heat. Stir constantly to ensure even toasting and prevent burning.

- Toast the flour until it turns light golden brown and emits a nutty aroma. This step enhances the flavor of the Polvoron.

2. Combine the Dry Ingredients:

- In a mixing bowl, combine the toasted flour, powdered milk, and granulated sugar.

- Mix the dry ingredients well until they are thoroughly combined.

3. Add the Melted Butter:

- Pour the melted unsalted butter into the bowl with the dry ingredients.

- Using a spatula or your hands, mix the butter with the dry ingredients until you achieve a crumbly texture. The mixture should hold together when pressed.

4. Shape the Polvoron:

- Prepare Polvoron molds or use your hands to shape the mixture into small, oval or round bite-sized pieces.

- If desired, you can also roll the Polvoron in crushed toasted nuts, pinipig, or other coatings to add texture and flavor.

5. Wrap the Polvoron:

- Wrap each Polvoron piece in colorful cellophane or wax paper, twisting the ends to secure the packaging.

- You can also use pre-cut Polvoron wrappers available in stores for a neater and more professional look.

6. Chill and Serve:

- Place the wrapped Polvoron in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes to firm up and set.

- Once chilled, the Polvoron is ready to be served and enjoyed!


- For a nutty twist, mix crushed toasted nuts (such as peanuts, cashews, or almonds) into the Polvoron mixture before shaping.

- Add pinipig (toasted pounded rice) to create a crunchy texture and a unique flavor.

- Experiment with flavored essences like vanilla, chocolate, or ube (purple yam) to create different Polvoron varieties.

Polvoron is a delightful and cherished Filipino sweet treat that showcases the simplicity and creativity of Filipino confectionery. With its crumbly texture and delectable taste, Polvoron brings a smile to the faces of those who enjoy it. Whether as a delightful snack, a lovely gift, or a sweet treat during celebrations, Polvoron holds a special place in Filipino culture and cuisine. So, why not try making this classic Polvoron recipe in your own kitchen and savor the taste of this beloved Filipino confection!

Video Source: Taste Of Pinas

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