Cassava Bibingka Recipe: A Delectable Filipino Delicacy with a Twist

Cassava Bibingka is a beloved Filipino delicacy that offers a delightful blend of flavors and textures. Bibingka is a traditional Filipino rice cake often enjoyed during the Christmas season and other special occasions. While the classic bibingka is made with rice flour, Cassava Bibingka puts a unique twist on the recipe by using cassava, a starchy root vegetable, as the main ingredient. This variation adds a delightful chewiness and natural sweetness to the cake, making it a favorite among Filipinos. Let's explore the delightful world of Cassava Bibingka and learn how to create this delectable Filipino treat!


- 2 cups grated cassava (fresh or frozen, available in Asian markets) - 1 cup coconut milk - 1 cup condensed milk - 1/2 cup evaporated milk - 3/4 cup sugar (adjust according to your desired sweetness) - 3 large eggs - 1/4 cup melted butter - 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract - 1/4 teaspoon salt - Banana leaves (for lining the baking pan) or parchment paper (if banana leaves are not available)

For Topping:

- Grated coconut - Salted egg slices - Freshly grated cheese


1. Prepare the Cassava: - If using fresh cassava, peel and grate it finely. If using frozen cassava, thaw it before grating. Be sure to remove any excess moisture from the grated cassava.

2. Preheat the Oven: - Preheat your oven to 350°F (175°C). Grease a baking pan and line it with banana leaves or parchment paper.

3. Create the Cassava Batter: - In a large mixing bowl, combine the grated cassava, coconut milk, condensed milk, evaporated milk, sugar, melted butter, eggs, vanilla extract, and salt. - Mix the ingredients thoroughly until you achieve a smooth and well-combined batter.

4. Assemble the Cassava Bibingka: - Pour the cassava batter into the lined baking pan, spreading it evenly.

5. Add the Toppings: - Sprinkle grated coconut, salted egg slices, and freshly grated cheese on top of the cassava batter. These toppings add a delightful contrast of flavors to the sweet and chewy cassava cake.

6. Bake the Cassava Bibingka: - Place the baking pan in the preheated oven and bake the Cassava Bibingka for approximately 40 to 50 minutes, or until the top turns golden brown and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

7. Serve and Enjoy: - Once baked, remove the Cassava Bibingka from the oven and let it cool slightly. - Slice the cake into squares or diamond shapes and serve it warm or at room temperature. - Enjoy the delectable Cassava Bibingka as a sweet and chewy treat, perfect for breakfast, snack time, or dessert.

Cassava Bibingka is a delightful Filipino delicacy that presents a unique twist on the traditional rice cake. Made with grated cassava, this variation offers a delectable chewiness and natural sweetness that sets it apart from its rice flour counterpart. The addition of coconut milk, condensed milk, and evaporated milk infuses the cake with a rich and creamy flavor, while the toppings of grated coconut, salted egg, and grated cheese add delightful bursts of taste. Whether enjoyed during the holiday season or on any special occasion, Cassava Bibingka promises to delight your taste buds and leave you craving for more. So, why not try making this delectable Filipino treat and experience the sweet and chewy goodness of Cassava Bibingka!

Video Source: D Real Cooking

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