Pinakbet Recipe: A Flavorful and Nutritious Filipino Vegetable Dish

Pinakbet is a traditional Filipino vegetable dish that showcases a delightful medley of locally-grown vegetables cooked in a savory shrimp paste sauce. Hailing from the northern regions of the Philippines, Pinakbet is a staple dish that has been passed down through generations, cherished for its rich flavors and nutritious qualities. This delicious and colorful dish reflects the abundance of fresh produce in the Philippines and highlights the Filipino culture's love for simple yet flavorful home-cooked meals. Let's explore the delectable world of Pinakbet and learn how to create this flavorful and nutritious Filipino vegetable dish!


- 1 cup sliced eggplant - 1 cup sliced bitter melon (ampalaya) - 1 cup sliced squash or pumpkin - 1 cup string beans (sitaw), cut into 2-inch pieces - 1 cup okra, trimmed and halved - 1 cup sliced tomatoes - 1/2 cup sliced onions - 4 cloves garlic, minced - 2 tablespoons shrimp paste (bagoong alamang) - 1 cup water or vegetable broth - 2 tablespoons cooking oil - Salt and pepper to taste


1. Prepare the Vegetables: - Wash and slice all the vegetables according to the measurements listed. Set them aside in separate piles.

2. Sauté the Aromatics: - In a large skillet or wok, heat the cooking oil over medium heat. - Sauté the minced garlic until fragrant and golden brown. - Add the sliced onions and continue to sauté until they become translucent.

3. Add the Vegetables: - Start adding the vegetables to the skillet or wok in the following order: bitter melon, squash, string beans, and okra. - Allow each vegetable to cook for a few minutes before adding the next one.

4. Incorporate the Shrimp Paste: - Stir in the shrimp paste (bagoong alamang) into the vegetable mixture. The shrimp paste will add a savory and umami flavor to the dish.

5. Pour the Water or Broth: - Pour the water or vegetable broth into the skillet or wok, ensuring it covers about half of the vegetables. - Cover the skillet or wok with a lid and let the vegetables simmer over medium-low heat. The steam will help cook the vegetables until they are tender but still crisp.

6. Add the Tomatoes: - Once the vegetables are almost cooked, add the sliced tomatoes to the skillet or wok. - Tomatoes cook quickly, so they are added last to preserve their freshness and texture.

7. Season to Taste: - Taste the Pinakbet and add salt and pepper as needed to suit your preferences.

8. Serve the Pinakbet: - Once all the vegetables are tender and cooked to your liking, remove the skillet or wok from the heat. - Transfer the flavorful Pinakbet to a serving dish and serve it with steamed rice.

Pinakbet is a delightful and nutritious Filipino vegetable dish that celebrates the bountiful harvest of fresh produce in the Philippines. This savory medley of vegetables cooked in shrimp paste brings together a symphony of flavors and textures that are sure to satisfy any palate. Pinakbet exemplifies the Filipino culture's love for simple yet flavorful home-cooked meals that are not only delicious but also rich in nutrients. Whether served on regular days or special occasions, Pinakbet is a dish that reflects the heart and soul of Filipino cooking. So, why not try making this delectable Filipino vegetable dish and experience the flavorful goodness of Pinakbet for yourself!

Video Source: Kuya Fern's Cooking

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